November 14, 2013 Update: Drew and I were with Gary Johnson last night in Manhattan for a panel discussion of health and freedom. We have some excellent video footage which we will post here and on YouTube.
I asked the former (G)OP governor what he thought about libertarians and TEA Party people working with the (G)OP. He laughed and suggested the party leadership really doesn't want us. He sees real potential for all patriots cooperating, provided we stick to economic freedom issues. He noted that it's social issues that have divided the patriot movement but economic issues (including the Unaffordable Care Act) can unite us, especially when, as with Obamacare, both freedom and our pockets are at stake.
---------------------------------------I spoke in NYC on November 13, 2013 at an event sponsored by OAI.
This note from OAI's Charles Frohman
"Most voters are fiscally conservative like the Republicans, yet socially liberal like the Democrats. Neither party is a clean fit for most, though. The same goes for grassroots movements - they're tied usually to one or the other party. Governor Gary Johnson's movement, the Our America Initiative, DOES try to address the preference of most voters by exploiting the IRS' audit scandal with an effort to abolish the income tax on the one hand, and on the other hand by speaking Saturday, October 26th at the StopWatchingUs protest to save 4th amendment privacy from the NSA's warrantless spying. The governor is headlining events in Washington, D.C. the weekend of October 24th and then in New York the week of November 10th."Meet Governor Gary Johnson in New York:
Wednesday, Nov 13th - 6 pm Happy Hour at the Players Club, 16 Gramercy Park, "What Now With Health Reform?" with special guests Dr. Eck, past president of the free market doctors group AAPS, Ralph Fucetola the Vitamin Lawyer and FDA expert, and Lee Silver, Princeton genetics professor and author of Remaking Eden.
I look forward to seeing you there!