Congress at the Crossroads
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Under increasing lobbying pressure from the drug industry and the Federal bureaucracy, Congress is considering bills to increase FDA and USDA power over foods yet again. In a series of laws over the past five years, starting with what I call the "FDA Enabling Act" in 2007 (Teddy Kennedy's dying gift to the bureaucracy) the power of the central government over local food production and distribution has dramatically increased. By 2010 the Federal agencies were empowered to enter into "contracts" with state food inspectors, effectively nationalizing local food inspection, just as the local police forces have been nationalized with Federal money and control.
These increases in Federal power are part of a general program emanating from the Administration to "seize the commanding heights" of the economy leading to what General Stubblebine has defined as "total government control" through various bills, regulations, treaties and executive orders. See:
At the same time these centralizing bills are working their way through Congress, patriot members are offering counter proposals to protect our Health and Food Freedom. The battle is joined; the Congress is at the Crossroads... as is our Health and Food Freedom!
UPDATE: 5.24.12
FDA Bill S.3187 Passed and Sent to the House.
The Action Moves to the House of Representatives.
"Mr. President, today [May 24, 2012] I'm offering an amendment to the FDA. I'm troubled by images of armed agents raiding Amish farms and preventing them selling milk directly from the cow. I think we have bigger problems in our country than sending armed FDA agents into peaceful farmers' land and telling them they can't sell milk directly from the cow.My amendment has three parts. First, it attempts to stop the FDA's overzealous regulations of vitamins, food and supplements by codifying the first amendment prohibition on prior restraint... READ MORE:
Senators Hatch and Harkin Tell the FDA:
"Don't Mess with Our Supplements!"
"The Good, the Bad, the Ugly..."
Senator Durbin's
Unnecessary Amendment 2127
(Dietary Supplement Registration provision)
May be added to the FDA bill, S.3187
Oppose that over-regulation too!
"Senators Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) urged FDA to withdraw its New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) Draft Guidance in a letter to FDA Commissioner Hamburg... Senators Hatch and Harkin, the principal authors of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), asked Dr. Hamburg to issue a new draft that, 'will provide needed clarification on what constitutes an NDI, but does not undermine the balance Congress struck in DSHEA to provide consumers with access to safe, affordable dietary supplement products.' ... The Senators said the draft guidance undermines DSHEA in a number of ways.." now find Senator Durbin, this week, is seeking to saddle dietary supplement companies with a new registration requirement that is uneeded, since the 1994 DSHEA law already requires companies to notify the FDA about their claims. The Homeland Security laws already require manufacturers to register. The information the Senator wants collected by the Govt under this new Amendment is already collected! The Durbin Amendment 2127 to S.3187 is over-regulation and will simply tend to drive small companies out of business, thereby reducing consumer choice and increasing cost! |
Contact Your Representatives:
What can we do about this?
We can educate our representatives
About these latest Congressional and FDA assaults on our access to high potency, advanced nutrition!
We can educate our representatives
About these latest Congressional and FDA assaults on our access to high potency, advanced nutrition!
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