Saturday, March 15, 2008

FTC Vaccination Advertising Petition Delivered

This is to confirm that the Natural Solutions Foundation Petition to FTC was delivered, according to the web site:

"Label/Receipt Number: 0305 2710 0001 6184 2200
Status: Delivered
Your item was delivered at 11:23 AM on March 11, 2008 in WASHINGTON, DC 20580."

Within a few days we should be able to obtain a docket number and set up an Action Item to garner public support for public hearings on the failure of the uninsurable risks of vaccination to be adequately revealed to the public in the pharmaceutical industry's vaccination advertisements which, in my opinion, do not meet the FTC standard of "truthful and not misleading."

The Petition seeks FTC intervention and requests that all vaccination advertising stop until public hearings and proper warnings to the public.

You can see the Petition at:

PLEASE get everyone you can to sign up to the eAlert newsletter system at so they can be ready to take "Mouse Warrior" action and support this important Petition!

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