Paper in Support of UN & Agency Review
An Open Letter to the Secretary
of State
To the
Hon. Marco Rubio, United States Secretary of State and to the
United States Ambassador-Designate to the United Nations, the Hon. Elise
0.1 Introduction|
1.0 What is the United
Nations and What are its Agendas?
1.1 United Nations
Agencies and Programs Contrary to US interests
1.2 The UN Declaration
of Human Rights (UNDHR) is Contrary to our Constitutional Rights.
1.3 History of Senate
‘Consent’ to UN Charter, which was not a Treaty, in 1945.|
1.4 The Act to appoint
a UN Ambassador and provide for US participation.
1.5 The unilateral
authority of the President to withdraw from the UN.
2.0 Conclusion.
0.1 Introduction
The United Nations and its Agencies and Programs are Contrary to US interests, Constitution and sovereignty.
Eighty years and countless dollars of participation have demonstrated its destructive impact on every aspect of our Nation’s life. The Secretary of State and the Ambassador are urged, in the strongest possible terms, to recommend to the President the United States immediate withdrawal from the UN and all its agencies, programs and operations.
Pursuant to Executive Order of February 4, 2025, requiring the Secretary of State and the United Nations (UN) Ambassador to review and report to the President on international bodies, this White Paper is designed to provide detailed information about the incompatibility of continued United States’ membership in the UN and all of its constituent organizations, programs and activities from a Constitutional, cultural, economic, health and values-based vantage point.
This White Paper will examine:
1. The
history of UN, its agencies and programs, showing that they are comprehensively
contrary to the interests of the United States.
2. The
UN Declaration of Human Rights, showing that it is antithetical to our
Constitution and Bill of Rights, abrogating our fundamental inalienable rights.
3. The
history of fraudulent and Unconstitutional Senate ‘consent’ to, and supposed
ratification of, the UN Charter in 1945 when it was misrepresented to the
Senate as a Treaty.
4. The
Unconstitutional, unlawful and expensive expansion of US participation in the
UN and its subsidiaries far exceeds the enabling legislation of 1945 which
appointed a UN Ambassador and, thus, circumscribed US participation.
5. The
unilateral authority vested in the President to withdraw from the UN absent
Congressional, Judicial, Legislative or International direction, decision or
We begin with Agenda
2030, its predecessors and successors:
Following adoption of Agenda 21[1] at
the Rio United Nations Conference on Environment and Biodiversity[2] ,
comprehensive reorganization of every aspect of human society was initiated by
the United Nations through its member states and their political subdivisions.
When progress was unsatisfactorily slow, another set
of goals and programs, known as Agenda 2030,[3]
was adopted by the United Nations’ membership. On June 13, 2019, the UN-Forum
Partnership, between the UN and the Word
Economic Forum (WEF), a private economic development organization, was
formalized to “to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development” specifying that the partnership “identifies six areas
of focus – financing the 2030 Agenda, climate change, health, digital cooperation,
gender equality and empowerment of women, education and skills – to strengthen
and broaden their combined impact by building on existing and new
collaborations”, offering a private organization nearly unlimited influence and
control over global policies and implementations reaching into every aspect of
human life, planet-wide.
The fundamental principles upon which this
comprehensive reorganization of society is based is naked Marxism: central
control of the means of production, workers and distribution for the supposed
benefit of all and the actual benefit only of the most powerful.[4]
According to both the United Nations and its
partner, the World Economic Forum (WEF), human rights are a useless relic of
the past, based on a “fairytale we tell ourselves”[5]
and most of the population of the world is “unnecessary”, easily replaced by
machines. Those people remaining will, through BioDigital Convergence[6],[7],[8] be
quite literally rendered subunits of the machine.[9]
Restricted to a tiny radius of free movement under
constant surveillance, limited to “alternative”
proteins, the denizens of UN/WEF
supported “15-minute cities”[10],[11] it
is hard to reconcile the right to either life or liberty with the
comprehensive, draconian and minutely controlled existence “permitted” by the
masters of every aspect of their fate with these well-articulated plans. But they are, indeed, fully consistent with
the ultimate destruction of our guaranteed freedoms in exchange for the total control
of a Marxist society envisioned and being rapidly implemented with US tax
dollars by the dogmatically and consistently anti-freedom United Nations.
Depopulation is, and always has been, a central part
of the United Nations’ aspirations, at least since 1974,[12]
continuing and accelerating through the present via comprehensive
implementation of Agenda 2030.
In partnership with WEF, the UN has decided that the
world they wish to dominate and govern “needs” very few of us. Those of us
remaining will be neutralized individually and collectively, reduced to prisoners
in confined environments.
President Trump’s Executive order of 4 February 2025
was described by the White House as:
"The Executive
Order also requires the Secretary of State to review and report to the President
on which international organizations, conventions, or treaties promote radical
or anti-American sentiment." [13]
The Order provides:
"Within 180 days
of the date of this order, the Secretary, in consultation with the UN
Ambassador, shall conduct a review of all international intergovernmental
organizations of which the United States is a member and provides any type of
funding or other support, and all conventions and treaties to which the United
States is a party, to determine which organizations, conventions, and treaties
are contrary to the interests of the United States and whether such
organizations, conventions, or treaties can be reformed. "[14]
1.0 What is the United Nations and What are its
The contents of this White Paper are intended to
provide significant backgrounder information to justify a review not only of
the UN’s agencies and programs, but of the UN itself, but of continued United
States participation in the UN itself:
does this organization supports the values of the United States? Is it ‘contrary to the interests’ of the
United States? It is, and we submit, the
United States ought to withdraw from the UN.
Presenting itself as benign and helpful, the UN has
successfully propagandized itself into a position of psychological and
political near invulnerability since its creation in 1945. Meanwhile, the
sinister reality of its actual agenda for comprehensive world domination has
proceeded nearly unnoticed by most of us.
For Agenda 2030 / The Great Reset to come into full
effect by the year 2030:
numbers of people must die, making an almost endless number of “Vaccines”
all farms and livestock must be destroyed, making “alternative proteins” and
synthetic “food” necessary
privately owned vehicles must be banned, making 15-minute cities necessary
must be criminalized, making comprehensive surveillance and censorship
production and distribution must be centralized, making confiscation of private
property necessary
activity must be monitored and controlled, making digital currency necessary
must be controlled and suppressed, making destruction of fertility necessary
Despite consistent positive propaganda spin, like
USAID, UN programs serve the UN’s programmatic agenda, which differs markedly
at every point from our Constitutional form of government.
Actually means:
1.1 United Nations Agencies and Programs Contrary
to US interests
Agenda 2030 is a brilliantly articulated,
comprehensive plan to destroy every facet of human society and, indeed,
humanity itself. Its target is total world domination, control and ownership.
Through a series of specialized corporations such as:
Health Organization (WHO)
Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Labor Organization (ILO)
Trade Organization (WTO)
Monetary Fund (IMF)
and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
No aspect of private, political or community life remains intact once Agenda
2030 is implemented. Full worldwide operationalization is scheduled for 2030, a
mere five years away.
The UN is the source of numerous tyrannical and anti-American
subsidiary organizations and programs, which have been operating for decades
inside the US and internationally to the serious detriment of the US. The US
taxpayer has footed a substantial portion of the bills for activities working
directly against US interests, values, beliefs and needs.
Utilizing vast public relations budgets, the UN and
its agencies launder Marxist ideas and policies by filtering them through its
many minion organizations and programs, sanitizing them with distorted and
distorting Orwellian language to ensure our cooperation in the destruction of
our own bodies, families and societies. This is done as a technique to create a
false perception of authority and consensus, as well as diffusing the
accountability for UN directives which are woven into US policy at every level
of governance.
1.2 The UN Declaration of Human Rights (UNDHR) is
Contrary to our Constitutional Rights.
The language of the UNDHR typically sets forth a
‘right’ or ‘freedom’ and then allows restrictions on same, ‘as provided by law’
– there are no inalienable rights under the UN system, contrary to the
provisions of the US Constitution, such as Amendment One which prohibits any law restricting freedom of speech,
religion and assembly. This example from the end of the UNDHR shows the intent
to subordinate our inalienable rights to UN dominance:
Article 29
[1] Everyone has duties
to the community in which alone the free and full development of his
personality is possible.
[2] In the exercise of
his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as
are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and
respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just
requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic
[3] These rights
and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and
principles of the United Nations. [Emphasis added]
1.3 History of Senate ‘Consent’ to UN Charter,
which was not a Treaty, in 1945.
are no signatories, either national or individual, to the UN Charter bound, as
if by a “Treaty”, to either the UN or
its Member States, nor can there be.
Facts &
[A] At the end of World War Two the victorious
powers negotiated the establishment of a successor to the League of Nations, to
be called the “United Nations.” The UN Conference in San Francisco, in
the spring and early summer of 1945, following the defeat of Nazi Germany,
adopted the Charter and it was opened for signatures. President Truman was
present at the Conference when the US Secretary of State signed the Charter,
June 26, 1945. [15]
[B] In Article 110 the Charter requires its
The present
Charter shall be ratified by the signatory states in accordance with their
respective constitutional processes.
ratifications shall be deposited with the Government of the United States of
America, which shall notify all the signatory states of each deposit as well as
the Secretary-General of the Organization when he has been appointed.
The present
Charter shall come into force upon the deposit of ratifications by the Republic
of China, France, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America, and by
a majority of the other signatory states. A protocol of the ratifications
deposited shall thereupon be drawn up by the Government of the United States of
America which shall communicate copies thereof to all the signatory states.[16]
[C] Harry S. Truman, the President of the United
States, and a former Senator, personally took the Charter to the US Senate
asking for ‘advice and consent’ to join the United Nations.
[D] On July 28, 1945 the Senate held a Roll Call
vote, as the Congressional Record shows:[17]
The Congressional
Record states:
“Two-thirds of the Senators present concurring
therein, the resolution of ratification is agreed to, and the treaty is
[E] The US State Department, as official Depository,
has published a document showing the ratifications of the original members.
This excerpt shows the initial US signing of the Charter by the Secretary of
State in June of 1945 and the date in August of 1945 when President Truman
signed the Charter while he was in Europe at the Potsdam Conference.[18]
[F] While the National Archives shows a photo of
President Truman signing the actual Charter on August 8, 1945. There is no
record of a formal “Instrument of Ratification” on file with the Depository, as
required by the Charter itself.[19],[20]
[G] The US Constitution provides, Article VI:
“This Constitution,
and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and
all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United
States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State
shall be bound thereby”
[H] The Vienna Convention on Treaties (VCLT) defines
Treaties as contracts between sovereign states.
” Article 1 – Scope
of the present Convention
The present
Convention applies to treaties between States.
Article 3 –
International agreements not within the scope of the present Convention
The fact that the
present Convention does not apply to international agreements concluded between
States and other subjects of international law…”7
[I] Congress initially adopted the UN Participation
Act in 19458 after
President Truman signed the Charter. While the Act provides for an
ambassador-rank US Representative appointed by the President with the advice
and consent of the Senate it does not authorize US participation in the United
The United States relationship with the UN is unconstitutional, conceived in
deceit, maintained in deceit and is thus ultra vires.
Harry S. Truman
assumed the office of President of the United States when President Roosevelt
died on April 12, 1945. Previously he had been Vice-President of the
United States and President of the Senate, of which he had been a member prior
to becoming Vice-President.
In an unprecedented
act, Truman personally presented the United Nations Charter to the US Senate
and spoke to the body in favor of participating in the UN. He stated, among
other points:
“I am appearing to ask for the ratification of the Charter… in
accordance with the Constitution. … For this is not a static treaty…” (Emphasis
Although the
President pro tem of the Senate inaccurately characterized the
Charter of the United Nations as a “treaty” the President of the United States
specified it was not a “treaty.”
This inconsistency
suggests that the Senate was misinformed regarding the nature of the document.
This situation is further exposed by the US State Department’s official
compendium of Treaties in Force[23] and
its supplement[24] which
do not list the UN Charter as a Treaty in force.
The Vienna Convention
on Treaties is clear: international agreements, such as Charters, are not
Therefore, by the
preponderance of relevant authorities, the Charter is not a treaty. Despite the
incorrect use of the word “treaty” in the Congressional Record, UN decisions do
not trigger the “Supreme Law of the Land” clause of the Constitution. The
UN Charter was conceived, presented and maintained by deceit. Any action
by the US Government in furtherance of participation is ultra vires and
void as unconstitutional.
Thus, State
(and local) governments are not bound to follow UN dictates, including those
issued by such subsidiary UN bodies as the World Health Organization.
The Charter explicitly
differentiates between ‘Treaties’ and ‘international agreements’, stipulating
that any Treaty brought before the UN must be registered with the
Secretariat. The facts further show that no signatory to the UN Charter
is bound, as if by a “Treaty”, to either the UN or its Member States. Nations
which conclude the same international agreement do not enter into a Treaty
among themselves by so doing. Section 102 of the Charter, the only
Article referencing Treaties, states:
Every treaty and every international agreement
entered into by any Member of the United Nations after the present Charter
comes into force shall as soon as possible be registered with the Secretariat
and published by it.
No party to any such treaty or international
agreement which has not been registered in accordance with the provisions of
paragraph 1 of this Article may invoke that treaty or agreement before any
organ of the United Nations.[26]
The deception
continues even today, since the US State Department erroneously refers to the
UN Charter as a “multilateral treaty”.
“The United States is
depositary for over 200 multilateral treaties – including, for example, the
Charter of the United Nations, The Statute of the International Atomic Energy
Agency, and the North Atlantic Treaty. In its depositary capacity, the United
States keeps the original treaty texts and facilitates their signature, as
appropriate. The depositary also receives instruments relating to the treaties,
such as instruments of ratification, and maintains status lists of such
[Note: some agreements
listed by the State Department as “multilateral treaties” are certainly not;
for example, the Kosovo UN Security Council Resolution is on the list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Interim_Administration_Mission_in_Kosovo]
[Note that all of the
United Nations ‘treaties’ listed on the various State Department compilations
noted above appear to be operational agreements for various international
agencies, not Treaties governing relations among States.]
conventions and agreements to form international associations, private clubs
among nations, are not Treaties under Article VI of the US Constitution and as
such are not binding on the Nation or its several States.
With the very recent
Decision by the United States Supreme Court, Loper et al. vs Department of Commerce, overturning the traditional ‘deference’ shown by
Courts to the interpretations of law by Federal Agencies, there is no special
credence that we must give to the State Department’s interpretation of US
treaty obligations.[28]
participation in the UN and its subsidiary organizations, commitment of
resources or public funding of same, on the basis of our alleged “treaty”
obligations to them, is an unlawful act and must be immediately terminated.
1.4 The Act to appoint a UN Ambassador and provide
for US participation.
The United Nations Precipitation Act of 1945
provided that the President shall appoint a Representative to the UN who shall
have the "rank and status of Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary..." (see screen shot above). This appointment was a
separate Act from any alleged Senate 'consent' to the UN Charter. The Representative "shall hold office at
the pleasure of the President..." who therefore may remove the Representative
or any "additional persons with appropriate titles..." appointed to
1.5 The unilateral authority of the President to
withdraw from the UN.
The US became a ‘member’ of the private membership
club known as the United Nations by signature of the then President, unnecessarily
‘ratified’ by the US Senate.
Since the UN Charter is not a Treaty binding the
United States as part of the Supreme Law of the Land, the President may, by
unilateral act, withdraw from the UN.
While the Constitution requires Senate consent to any Treaty, there is
no constitutional provision regarding withdrawing from a ‘Treaty’ or any international
agreement. Thus, such an act is solely
within the executive competence of the President.
2.0 Conclusion.
UN “Sustainable Development Goals” are a set of utopian (ie. fanciful and
unrealistic) premises that they wish to impose on all nations, in order to
steer the planet towards their twisted version of a better future. But, for
whom will this future actually be “better”? At first read, each of the goals
appears to be a very desirable and universal hope that people share. However,
the devil is in the details, as always. These vague, seemingly benign
statements are meant to lull the populace into a state of inattention and
trust. Just in time for the Great Culling...
Secretary of State and the UN Ambassador must conclude that the only way for
the United States to protect its citizens from UN programs and agencies that
are contrary to the interests of the United States, imposing globalist tyranny,
is to withdraw from the UN immediately. #ExitUN
Respectfully submitted,
Ralph Fucetola JD
12 February 2025
With thanks for editing and research to the https://PreventGenocide2030.org
[2] United Nations
Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-14 June
1992 | United Nations
[8] U.S. Oversight of
Laboratory Biosafety and Biosecurity: Current Policies, Recommended Reforms,
and Options for Congress
[11] What is the 15
minute city in agenda 2030? - Geographic FAQ Hub: Answers to Your Global
[13] www.whitehouse.gov/fact-sheets/2025/02/fact-sheet-president-donald-j-trump-withdraws-from-anti-american-un-organizations/
[14] www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/02/withdrawing-the-united-states-from-and-ending-funding-to-certain-united-nations-organizations-and-reviewing-united-states-support-toall-international-organizations/
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