Thursday, September 21, 2023

Advice for the Globalists

Telling the Globalists Why I Will Not Comply
The Seven Principles of Humane Health Care

At James Roguski’s suggestion I submitted the following email to the Global Public Health Convention Panel.  You may want to submit your comments too.

21 September 2023

Dame Barbara Stocking, Chair
Global Public Health Convention Panel

Hon. Dame Stocking,

I am taking this opportunity to do as you suggested on September 19, 2023 in your Guest Editorial at Geneva Health Files, with an offer of suggestions to resolve the WG-IHR (Working Group – International Health Regulations) ‘impasse’.

I am a retired lawyer (36 years practice in the USA) and an ordained minister. My area of expertise has been in regulation of natural health products. My website is

I am the author of Informed Dissent

I work with an international collaboration of health freedom advocates through Natural Solutions Foundation.

In conjunction with other advocates, we have developed and published The Seven Principles of Humane Health Care.

The document may be found here:

The Principles are:

Existing International regulations and treaties regarding international, local or personal health must be replaced by the principals of H.H.C. (Humane Health Care), starting with the First Rule: Do No Harm.

1. Public Health: In a humanely functioning society with proper hygiene, sanitation and nutrition, pandemics and wide-spread chronic illness do not occur. Pandemics do not occur in well-functioning societies.
2. Sovereignty: Pandemics and other ‘health conditions’ must not be used as weapons to curtail or eliminate the inalienable personal rights and freedoms of We, the People, nor to damage personal sovereignty and/or national sovereignty.
3. Personal Medical Freedom is essential and guaranteed. Each individual is the relevant stakeholder in preserving his/her health and has the absolute human right to access any health strategy, freely deciding whether or not to consent to, or refuse, any proposed treatment.
4. Informed Consent is the necessary precondition for health freedom; any violation of Informed Consent is both a crime against humanity and against the individual.
5. Informed Dissent: means demanding transparency, open communications and unfettered freedom of speech, which are essential to prevent tyrannical consequences of ‘pandemics-of-convenience’ and widespread chronic ill health.
6. Social Controls Violate both Informed Consent and Informed Dissent and promote pandemics or widespread chronic ill-health. Social controls include lockdowns, Digital ID Passports, Social Credit Scores, social distancing, censorship and so-called “vaccine” mandates.
7. Local Control, in harmony with the above Principles, must form the basis of social governance. Global, private and public-private partnership organizations must remain free of conflicts of interest and be restricted to advisory roles only.

We, the free peoples of the world, showed through our World Wide Demonstrations and Trucker Convoys that we will not comply with tyrannical health impositions such as those contemplated by the IHR amendments. We understand that compliance is death while defiance frees.

I will not comply.

Rev. Ralph Fucetola JD


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