Thursday, July 3, 2008

Codex Commission Meets... Dr. Laibow Reports... US to chair Codex! Codex Consensus Collapsing?

Our intrepid co-trustees in the Natural Solutions Foundation are attending the annual Codex Alimentarius (World Health Code) Commission meeting in Geneva, and they are exposing the machinations of the "Bigs" -- Big Agra, Big Pharma, Big Chema, Big Medica... Big Govt...

You can read Dr. Laibow's reports on her Health Freedom Blog at

But, you can also see hard-hitting video reports from the Codex meeting hall.

These can be found at:

And also more directly at:

Is Codex changing its rules in a futile attempt to "get around" our Codex Two Step process, that allows nations to avoid the worst Codex regulations?

Now that the US is holding the Chair of the Codex Commission for the next three years, what can we expect?

Dr. Rima sees the carefully constructed Codex "consensus" - enforced by dictatorial chairpersons - breaking down, allowing the informal alliance of Health Conscious Nations an opportunity to make Codes adhere to its original mission.

That mission is stated on the Codex web site:

"The main purposes of this Programme are protecting health of the consumers and ensuring fair trade practices in the food trade, and promoting coordination of all food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations."

In the opinion of this blogger, once safety is assured, market processes should, with truthful and not misleading labeling, lead to improved implementation of the Codex mission.

And, see also part of the Natural Solution: the Valley of the Moon Eco Community Demonstration Project

Rima's Video on the project:

Exciting Times!

Ralph Fucetola JD
NSF Trustee

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