Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Vaccine Truthers Debate Continues

Action item:
Hold Big Pharma and
FDA Responsible for Vaccine Harms

Since the exchange at the GOP Tea Party Debate in Florida earlier this week, where Rep. Michelle Bachmann chastized Gov. Rick Perry for his Texas Executive Order illegally mandating the dangerous Gardisil vaccine for children, there has been a lively debate about vaccines and freedom on various forums and news media.

Some have expressed the opinion that they trust the CDC more than they trust those who oppose such invasive medicine.

The excerpts and paraphrases below gives the flavor of some of the arguments against the vax supporters.

I still haven't gotten an answer to my "uninsurable risk" question posed a couple times here...

The private sector experts of risk in our society, namely the insurance industry, refuse to offer insurance to cover vaccine injury risks.

All other sorts of risks (sky-diving, spelunking... et al) can be insured BUT not vaccines. Your health can be insured. Your life can be insured and we all know we don't leave here alive...

Private for-profit companies (and that includes drug companies) are not permitted to invest shareholders' money in uninsurable risks. So, but for the Act of Congress denying us our common law right to redress for foreseeable injuries, there would be no vaccination industry. That Act was passed in response to the First Swine Flu Vaccine Disaster of the mid '70s when hundreds died. Congress acted fast, to protect Big Pharma.

My question is: Why would people who are smart enough to be opposed to Govt programs like "Obamacare" and thus, one would assume, have a healthy sense of disbelief in Govt programs, accept the Govt's propaganda abut safety and efficacy of vaccines rather than the private risk experts' judgment that vaccines are, uniquely, an uninsurable risk?

And why should tax funds ever be spent on such risks and why should anyone ever be forced to accept such uninsurable risks?

Where, my further question has been, in Art 1 Sect 8 does Congress have the power to do this to us?

And better, how does mandating vaccines -- whether Federally, in Texas, MN or NJ or wherever -- comport with our Core Values which include supporting the free market, something that is totally not represented by the vaccine-pushers?

The answers for anyone not mesmerized by the propaganda should be obvious. It is, ultimately about Liberty and Social Control.

Let's look at the Second Swine Flu Vaccine Fiasco of 2009.

First, the Govt HHS bought the entire output of 5 drug companies for $6.4 billion, including the especially dangerous live virus vax, the first to be ready (and bought about a half billion dollars of Squalene, an unapproved adjuvant drug, just in case).

Second, the Govt FDA approved the drugs without safety testing [the CDC, who some trust, said that the Swine Virus was a "novel" virus with pandemic potential; then the CDC said, it's just a "change of strain" not needing safety testing... right, let's trust the CDC, shall we?).

Third, the Govt CDC recommended the mandating of the vaccines, thereby triggering various state mandates that we successfully stopped.

Fourth, the Govt distributed the vaccines... but almost nobody took them... instead, over 3.5 million Americans emailed their state and federal reps refusing the vax ... and the program collapsed and the pandemic never happened.

We "vaccine truthers" believe that there was no pandemic because it is the vaccines, especially the live virus vaccines, that cause epidemics.

Read Dr. Laibow's

What was the Govt Swine Flu Plan, as set out in the law suits?

It was, after the live virus vax triggered the pandemic, to force all Americans to be vaccinated at 90,000 locations around the country. Since there was not enough vax to force it on us all, an Emergency was declared and the CDC scientists who refused to sign off on the use of the dangerous drug squalene could be ignored. The vax supply was going to be extended by the use of this substance which is used to kill lab animals, by admixing it at the 90,000 locations...

Can you imagine the disaster that would have occurred with non-sterile drug mixing in school cafeterias, town hall basements and post offices? I can and I thank God we stopped the insanity.

Action item:
Hold Big Pharma and
FDA Responsible for Vaccine Harms